Domestic Surveillance & Investigations

With a focus on confidential, cost-effective, results-driven surveillance, at Michael Foot PI, we offer domestic surveillance for South Africans, Domestic surveillance can help you find the proof you need to win court cases centring around the following scenarios:
Child maintenance and parental rights & responsibilities
The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development prioritises the rights of children, and even though their aim is to ensure that parents live up to their responsibilities, in South Africa, there are many instances where parents sometimes escape their responsibilities by neglecting to pay their child maintenance or papgeld. With a private investigator’s help, you are able to get the necessary evidence in order for the court to take the necessary action to ensure the well-being of your child.
Child custody
If you find yourself in a court battle with the custody of your child in question, a private investigator could potentially aid in proving who the more responsible parent is. If you are in a situation where you need to prove that you are the parent who deserves to have custody of your child, it would be best to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation to prove to the magistrate at the Children’s Court, that you deserving of a ruling in your favour.
A cheating spouse
Is your sixth sense telling you not to trust your partner, but you don’t have any solid proof? If the thought has crossed your mind that your partner is being unfaithful, a private investigator will be able to confirm or deny your suspicions so that you know for sure.
Many people expect a happily ever after once they decide to tie the knot. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case and divorce settlements can be lengthy, daunting and expensive. Therefore, it would be best to have a proactive private investigator on your side. The private investigator will help with:
- Custody settlements
- Child maintenance
- Division of property
- Contested divorces (where parties are unable to reach an agreement)
If you need added evidence to strengthen your case, which could potentially lead to a win in or out of court, contact us today!